SESOIL & AT123D Training

Transport & Fate Modeling for Developing Site-Specific Soil Cleanup Levels Using SESOIL and AT123D

Instructors: Michael Barden, Robert Schneiker, Liliana Cecan & Paul Sanders

This two-day seminar provides a thorough examination of the SESOIL and AT123D models and their use in developing site-specific soil cleanup levels based on vadose zone leaching and groundwater contaminant migration. These models are widely used and accepted by state regulatory agencies. The course covers the appropriate use of SESOIL and AT123D as well as providing comparison with other approaches, methods and models, including MODFLOW/MT3D. Participants will gain an understanding of how the models work and how vadose zone and groundwater models can be combined to yield more realistic estimates for cleanup levels. Use of the models will be illustrated in the context of ESCI’s SEVIEW modeling software.

The seminar provides background on developing leachate concentrations and dilution-attenuation factors for determining site-specific soil cleanup levels and examines different approaches such as soil-water partitioning, leaching tests (e.g., synthetic precipitation leaching procedure - SPLP) and transport and fate modeling. Important vadose zone and groundwater processes are reviewed. Considerations for site-specific model application are examined in the context of available site characterization information and alternative approaches. Participants are encouraged to bring their own site data to provide focused examples that will facilitate understanding of the material presented and ability to apply it.

Register for the 26-27 April 2012 offering.

Download a seminar brochure for the 26-27 April 2012 offering.


Download a detailed outline and schedule for the seminar.


The cost for this two-day seminar is $795.

A printed course notebook as well as continental breakfast, lunch, and break snacks and refreshments for both days of the seminar are included.

Continuing Education Credits

This two-day seminar provides 16 contact hours of technical continuing education (= 1.6 CEUs). A certificate of participation will be provided to all attendees.

This course is approved for New Jersey LSRPs (14 CECs), Massachusetts LSPs and Connecticut LEPs.